Just because your farm is small doesn't mean your dreams have to be, too. Being a first-generation farmer is hard. Shoot, being a farmer is hard. At our school Matthew and I will lift the curtain on small scale dairying and share the knowledge that we spent A LOT of money figuring out. Why? Because we want small farmers to pop up all over the world...but, more importantly, we want those farmers to make a LIVING WAGE.

Note that signing up for our school will add you to our student list, but you will still need to enroll in specific courses and coaching products of your choice to access Lost Peacock content.

Hi, we're Rachael & Matthew.

We're first generation farmers who have taught ourselves to farm in a way that provides us with a high quality of life and a LIVING WAGE.

And we want you to be able to do the same.

We come from diverse backgrounds. I am an Air Force Academy grad who served in Iraq before launching into a 10 year career in corporate marketing before leaving it all behind to farm full time.

Matthew is an Evergreen State College grad who lived and studied in Thailand, devoted his 20s to being in a rock band while working as a carpenter, switched careers and became an RN through the local community college, met a girl online (me) and switched careers again to become a dairy farmer and cheesemaker.

We're doers and dreamers, and we want to share our success with you. Why? Because we believe small farms can save the world and we want every single person who wants to farm to be able to do so in a way that not only feeds their community, but also feeds themselves.